Ways to clean the body of toxins with fresh juice

1. Juicing helps your body absorb nutrients. Many people have difficulty digesting certain foods and as a result the body doesn’t absorb all of the nutrients. Juicing helps to “predigest” the food for you, making it easier for your body to receive and absorb all that good stuff.
2. Juicing increases your daily consumption of fruits and vegetables. Slip a juice in when you can! Sip one during your ride to work or for an after-dinner treat. It all counts towards your daily intake.

3. It broadens your exposure to different fruits and vegetables. It’s easy to stick to the same produce day in and day out. For example, toss kale or grapefruit into your morning concoction.
4. Juice boosts your energy. Raw fruits and veggies help support the immune system and flush out the body.
5. It also boosts your metabolism. Fresh juice delivers beneficial enzymes found in the produce, which is important for the health of your metabolism.
6. Fresh organic juice can help fight disease. Through these liquid nutrients the body receives a sufficient amount of phytochemicals which act as antioxidants and can help fight diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
7. Juices combat free radicals. Juicing provides the body with a high concentration of antioxidants which can fight off the aging-effects of free radicals.
8. Consuming juice aids in hydration. If you don’t like the taste of water, or drink too much pop, fresh juices are rich in vitamins and minerals and definitely help to quench thirst.
9. Juicing is more effective than vitamins. Fresh juices have live liquid supplementation which deliver greater benefits than taking synthetic supplementation.
10. You’ll never get bored! There are lots of options when it comes to juice, play with different combinations: Try adding ginger for energy, or beets for cleansing. Stacking the fruits will help mask the taste of more overpowering ingredients.

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