Recognize the signs of a woman who wants to leave you.

There is a huge difference between a man and a woman on the issue of separation.
It is said that men are easy to decide within one minute and promote a break-up, but for women their decisions are often excluded, even though men also have a sign.
The survey shows that many women cannot hide their feelings of love, but also in hatred they do not have patience.
The Psychology they accept that recognizing the thoughts in a woman by looking at her appearance is easier than a man who is mentioned to hide his thoughts.
The Guide to identify a woman who is near to leave you is an easy task, which may be in a corner of her daily character in a romantic relationship.
1. Likes to be removed.
A woman who likes to be disregardful will be on the previous symptoms.
A woman's behavior does not feel like staying close to her husband or lover is mentioned as a sign of tired or lover of love.
2. Lost the desire of marriage
A woman who does not approve the act of marriage on her husband or her lover is in the steps to leave.
All times a romantic excitement points out of emotion which is described as important in a romantic relationship than anything else.
3. Likes to criticize everything.
As I said earlier to know the history of your love how it started, it is important because it helps to know if there are serious changes to women's behavior.
If your lover who was in the first place was a kivu and suddenly you started to see he has been a critic of your trend or whatever you think to know that this is a sign that remains tired is a chance to leave.
4. Not expecting you.
A woman who has a reason to leave you starts by removing reliability, if he was asking for fare, money for use, fees and other services will stop without telling you and you will still see it continues to be as usual or suffer silent silence.
Leaving you to rely like before is a sign of being able to live without you and to translate the possibility of leaving you at any time.
5. Reduce communication.
Let no one tell you that love is better between a husband and a wife, if it will happen that there is no strong communication between them and your lover like that was in mwanza then realize that your love has reached the brink.
These are a few signs of a woman who wants to abandon you in love relationships.