1. Eros Love Proverbs 5:15-19
This is need love. It is based upon physical attraction and fulfillment. This love is
necessary for marriage to succeed; however, marriage cannot be sustained by eros
2. Phileo Love Romans 12:9-13
necessary for marriage to succeed; however, marriage cannot be sustained by eros
2. Phileo Love Romans 12:9-13
This is friendship love. The Bible uses the word “companionship” several times in
describing what a marriage relationship is. Phileo love means reciprocal sharing of
time, activities, the home, hobbies, games, and other objects of common fellowship.
3. Agape Love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
describing what a marriage relationship is. Phileo love means reciprocal sharing of
time, activities, the home, hobbies, games, and other objects of common fellowship.
3. Agape Love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
This is a giving love. This can be unilateral in that one loves even when the other
doesn’t respond as expected. It is self-giving in meeting real needs of the other with
the purpose of helping the person to become a better, more mature individual.
Agape love takes the initiative and energizes the other two kinds of love.
doesn’t respond as expected. It is self-giving in meeting real needs of the other with
the purpose of helping the person to become a better, more mature individual.
Agape love takes the initiative and energizes the other two kinds of love.