The Secret to Effortless Detachment

The Secret to Effortless Detachment
Detachment from the outcome you want to experience is vital to creating your ideal reality. To be attached is to live in the fear that what you want will not materialise and traps you in a continuous state of desire. Attachment to any thing or any one turns love into fear and belief into doubt. In contrast, faith allows you to detach yourself from the outcome and transforms your desires into your choice.
Attachment is Giving Away Your Power: 
The instant you attach yourself to a specific person's actions or words or to a certain outcome, you give your power away to external forces and circumstances. In effect, you give away your power to create your own reality. To be attached to any thing or to any one is to tell yourself that you are somehow incomplete without that person, thing or event in your life. In so doing you fail to see the divine perfection in what is, as it is. Instead, you create within yourself a desperate need to control the process and a sense of doubt as to whether what you want will manifest. Attachment breeds doubt and as Khalil Gibran said: "Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother".
Faith is the Antidote for Attachment: 
Detachment Transforms Desire into Choice: Paradoxically, desire keeps your desires away from you because to desire something is to acknowledge its absence in your life. When you become certain of the outcome, then your desire becomes your choice. Your choice is your intention, it is your will. It transforms "what could be" into "what is" and dissolves all doubt. When you will something, you no longer desire it to happen, you choose for it to do so. Remember that we were all given "free will". You have the free will to create the reality of your choice in accordance with your needs.
When you detach yourself from the outcome you will instantly feel your doubt and fear transforming into a deep sense of knowing and certainty. This is faith. Faith is the route to true detachment. It is the only way to willingly hand over your choices to the Omnipotence of the One Universal Consciousness of which you are a part. To have faith does not mean to sit back and wish things could be different. It is to relax in the knowledge that your choice has already manifested in the mental realm from which all things manifest, and to take inspired action toward that specific outcome materialising in the physical world. Faith is not blind. To the contrary, it is "the evidence of things not seen".
Making Detachment Effortless:
Detachment comes naturally when you know, understand and apply the truth that you are one with the Universal Mind - the All, the One Creator - for which nothing is impossible. Whenever you feel a sense of panic or a need to control the process, whether in your day-to-day thoughts or during your creative visualization sessions, then know that you are most probably in a state of attachment. In that moment, relax and remind yourself that in the conscious creation process, time is an illusion of the physical realm and that what you have chosen to experience is in the process of transforming from a non-physical to a physical state. You can only ever be in control when you have no need to control.
Do Not Confuse Detachment with Quitting: 
To detach is not the same as quitting on your choices. On the contrary, it is to feel so calmly certain of their manifestation in your life that you no longer have to worry, wonder or even think about them. When you are detached you feel more powerful, determined and clear in your thoughts. A simple way you can tell whether you have detached or quit is by gauging how you feel. In other words, when you detach you feel empowered, when you quit you feel disempowered.
Letting Go Allows for Flow: 
When you are attached to the manifestation of a specific outcome, you place yourself in a state of resistance to what is, and as the saying goes "what you resist persists". To detach shifts your state into one of total non-resistance where panic transforms into peace of mind and certainty. This is the state which allows life to flow. This is the state which allows for your desires to become your choice and your choice to become your reality. It maximises your thought power and allows your choices to manifest in the shortest period of time as you consciously align yourself with the Law of Attraction. It enables you to enjoy the process and know that everything is in perfect order as it is. When you are detached, life becomes a game to be enjoyed.
"This or Something Better": 
Detachment allows you to experience the full gamut of life. You open yourself up to experiences and events infinitely more joyful than perhaps even those that you initially desired for yourself. This is why it is important to always say "this or something better" when you choose something in your life. When you can say that with all honesty, then you know you are truly detached.
In a nutshell, detachment is vital to allowing your ideal reality to manifest in your physical world. Attachment breeds panic, fear and disempowerment which detachment transforms into peace of mind, certainty and empowerment. Detachment transforms your desire into your choice. The route to detachment is faith. The truth that you are One with the Universal Mind and that everything in your outside world is a reflection of your inner world, makes detachment effortless.

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