AUTHOR:Flavian mwasi
- If someone is talking to you nonstop and you feel that they’re becoming a nuisance and should stop, to slow them down, just stare at a point above their head and maintain your stare. Soon or later they’ll stop because they’ll think you’re not being attentive to what they’re saying.
- Most people like to brag and all they do is talk about themselves. Just look at them straight in the eye without blinking and they’ll start feeling guilty.
- Regardless of your level of education, you’re at least 20% better than what you actually think. Self-confidence is the attitude that levels the playing field and makes you look smarter to other people than you think you are.
- The best way to escape from any sort of trouble or from an awkward situation is to tell jokes and stories. Telling jokes and stories draws more attention from other people far quicker than any other trick, and forces people to like you.
- Have you been trying to win over a difficult girlfriend/boyfriend without much success? Try this: Volunteer to read them a storybook, preferably a romantic one every lunch hour or during a coffee break. Don’t show that you’re interested in them romantically. Don’t even show that you’re jealous when another person tries to date them. S/he will first become your best friend, then s/he will start feeling jealous when s/he sees you with another person. This is a signal that s/he is ready for a romantic affair.
- Have you ever noticed that nobody hates jokes? Well, nobody hates jokes because they make people happy and forget their miseries for a while. Even the most sadistic of people will love jokes. Telling jokes will make you an instant star, and you’ll be loved by almost everyone. Telling jokes will make people give you what you want because they’d love to see you again.
- If you’ve been trying to get a date from a member of the opposite sex without much success, then try this: Make friends with a beautiful/handsome member of the opposite sex and pretend he/she is your girlfriend or boyfriend. Make sure your’re seen together often by the person you’ve been trying to date. The person you’ve been trying to date will be dying with envy and confusion, and before long he/she will break.
- Carrying a small mirror in your pocket or handbag has two uses. The first one is to quickly check yourself up to make sure you’re always looking good before you meet important people. This improves your self-image and self-confidence. The second one is that you can always spy on a person without them ever suspecting—especially someone you suspect.
- The best medicine is free—laughter. It enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. It activates and relieves stress response, and more importantly, it can be induced any time you want it. What you don’t know is that when you laugh, every organ in your body laughs as well, bringing into harmony all the organs of your body into oneness.
- Perhaps the biggest hack in life is to forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself opens up your life to a new flow of energy you did not have before you locked yourself in the prison of unforgiveness.