What are 20 things that are not worth it?
- "Know that whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you." Stop giving explanations to everyone for everything. Because over-explanation burdens your mind and makes you a slave of people’s validation.
- You stop respecting yourself when you continuously breaking promises that you make with yourself, such as you say, I will do exercise daily but when the time comes you did not do it. Did you trust a person who breaks his promise 1000 times?
- Stop consuming unnecessary YouTube videos, books, and articles.
- Competition & comparison hinder your potential. Let say two kids are in the race and competing with each other & one kid wins the race. Maybe the boy (who wins) can fly, but because of competition, he only does a little better than somebody else.
- Stop validating your self-worth through the eyes of others.
- The primary cause of your unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.
- Stop accepting the definition of others and define youself.
- Identity is not a fixed thing; it is evolving with each new experience. A human is like water & when you store water for a long time it becomes contaminated, the same way your identity will also become contaminated when you put a full stop to it.
- if you accept that you cannot possibly know what you do not know your life will easy.
- Stop labeling yourself without even trying things. Because, the thing you consider impossible, will become possible, once you try it.
- As you throw rotten tomatoes from your refrigerator, the same way you should throw your rotten beliefs from your mind. Either it’s a tomato or beliefs, it becomes useless once it’s rotten.
- People always try to fit you in their mold & put their insecurities on you. Sacrificing who You’re for the sake of what other people think just isn’t worth it.
- Stop bashing yourself for the mistakes that you never commit.
Thanks for Reading!!