- Money: It buys freedom and options, not happiness.
- Friends: Quality over quantity. Give me 2–3 solid friends, and leave the rest as acquaintances.
- Lessons: Believe it or not, you teach people how to treat you at your very first meeting. Don’t be afraid of boundaries, enforce them.
- Self Awareness: Without it, you may spend a life time of blaming others for your misfortunes and problems.
- Control: No matter how badly you think what is best for others, you can only control yourself.
- Advice: Keep that shit to yourself, unless asked for it. And even then, tread lightly.
- Reciprocate: You don’t want to be cheated on, don’t cheat. You want respect, give respect. I know it’s cliche’ but treat those as you want to be treated.
- Convenience: Never treat someone such as. And if you find yourself being treated as such, remove that person from your life. Know your worth.
- Wrong: When you are wrong, promptly check your “ego” and own it. Make amends where needed and work on not repeating hurtful behaviors.
- Betrayal: It will never come from an enemy. Think about that.
- Replacement: Could be a career or relationship. No matter what you think, you can and will be replaced. Be grateful for what you have. Generally the grass isn’t always “greener.”
- Love: If you are one of the few that find it. Make sure the person knows it. Don’t do anything to make that person question their self worth.