What is the best way to show someone you love them?

Through Words

  1. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 1
    Send a letter. If you can't say the words out loud, try putting your feelings in a letter. Some people find that they can express themselves much better in writing than they can in person. Pour your heart into a letter, mail it and have them read it when you're not around.[1]
    • Include details like why you were attracted to them in the first place, how you feel when you're around them, and how you envision your future together.
    • An email would also work, but there's something old-fashioned and romantic about a letter.
  2. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 2
    Thank them. Showing your loved one a little appreciation now and then can go a long way. A smile and a quick "thank you" will do for the little things, but every so often you should sit them down, look them in the eye and tell them "I really appreciate everything you do for me, it means a lot." Thanking your loved one will make them feel needed and appreciated, which is important for any relationship.[2]
  3. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 3
    Tell them they're beautiful/handsome. Everyone likes to hear that the person they're with finds them attractive. Don't just assume they know how handsome or beautiful you think they are - tell them!
    • Try an over-the-top compliment like "You're the most gorgeous man on the planet." It will make them feel special and let them know that you only have eyes for them.
    • Or tell them something simple and sincere like "I can spot your smile from across the room" or "your eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue, I could stare at them all day."
  4. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 4
    Ask them how they are - and listen to the answer. This sounds simple, but its importance cannot be understated. In order to feel loved, a person needs to feel listened to and understood. It's easy to ask a person how they are out of habit, and not really listen to the answer. You should make a point of sitting down with your loved one and asking them to tell you how they're doing - honestly and sincerely. If they're perfectly happy - great, let them know that you are too. If they're not doing so well, ask what you can do to help or just lend them a sympathetic ear.[3]
  5. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 5
    Ask for their advice. Asking your loved one for advice shows that you care about and respect their opinion. It shows that you value their input and that you understand the importance of making decisions together, especially if a decision affects the two of you.
    • If they have more knowledge on a certain topic, asking for their advice will flatter their ego, while also being beneficial to you, for example, when buying a car or new laptop.
    • Ask for their advice on something relatively unimportant like whether you should buy the new Playstation or Xbox. They may not care all that much, but they'll appreciate you asking.
    • For more serious matters, such as medical procedures or living arrangements, asking for your partners input is definitely recommended. If you fail to let them in on big decisions such as these, they may feel left out or unappreciated.
  6. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 6
    Say you're sorry. Know when you're wrong and admit it. Whether you broke their favorite mug or made an underhand comment during an argument, a genuine, unconditional apology can go a long way to resolving the situation and letting your partner know you care.[4]
    • Refusing to say you're sorry will only cause tension and resentment. Even if you think you did nothing wrong, swallow your pride and say the words. Your relationship is worth it.
  7. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 7
    Write a romantic song or poem. What could be more romantic than sharing your feelings through a song or poem? (Hint: nothing). Through the words of a song or poem you can express all the sweet sentiments and warm, fuzzy feelings that you can't say to their face. Send your song recording or poem anonymously by mail for added romance factor.
    • If you're not so creative, find some romantic words written by someone else and send your loved ones those instead. Look for romantic poems or letters written by great writers, such as Shakespeare, Lord Byron or Emily Dickinson.
    • Alternatively, try dedicating a song to them. Whether it's before you sing on karaoke night or calling a request in to their favorite radio station, a song dedication is always romantic.
  8. Image titled Show Someone You Love Them Step 8
    Tell them you love them. This might sound a little crazy, but you could just say it out loud, those three little words: "I love you." Say it at the movies, say it in bed, say it while you're dancing, say it over dinner, say it on the phone. It doesn't matter where or when, as long as you mean it.

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