Being in love is one of the most mesmerizing feelings that anyone can ever experience throughout their lives. Being in love gives us joy, happiness, romance, belongingness, and much more. Love is the most beautiful thing that can happen in your life, love can change your life but have you ever noticed that like everything in this eternal world, being in love also have its darker side. Yes, the love which is supposed to be the most positive feeling in the world also has its side effects. But you may be thinking that how can love which itself is full of positivism can have a dark side? But this is the hard truth of the life that love also has its negative effects. Most of us have been in love with one or the other part of our lives but most of us have not realized the dark sides of being in love. So today we tried to bring you some of those dark sides os being in love which you might have missed to notice.
1. Broken Hearts
The biggest and the darkest side of falling in love is the breaking of hearts. The problems in the relations and non-compatibility many times lead to the separation and if this separation is not mutual then the result is broken hearts. The breaking of heart is love very strong feeling that most of us have faced in our lives may not be more but at least once. When two individuals get fully indulged in the love relations and then the separation due to any reason is very painful and many a time this breaking of heart has led to very serious problems for the true lovers. Depression, fear, sadness, anxiety are some of the results of heartbreaking.
2. No more personal space
Oh! that’s a great feeling that you always have someone by your side in every situation, of course, may not be physically but emotionally for sure, this happens when you are in a relationship but this side has a drawback too. Once you become habitual to be with someone all the time you start fearing to be alone. And this fears takes a wider form when the end of the relationship (which happens in most of the cases). This is severe cases may lead to depression and mental
3. Loss Of Time
When you are in love and by love, I mean true love, then one thing you can resist is “thinking about the person you love”. Whatever you do where ever you go you are in a different state of mind in which your beloved person in with you and you keep imagining moments of your life with them. This is daydreaming and we all know this very clearly that it leads to waste of time. Many times people lose their concentration in their important stuff dreaming about love. Many times students bunk their classes, many people do go to work just to meet their love and this loss of time.
4. Burden On The Pocket
This situation is faced by almost every person who has fallen in love. Loving some itself doesn’t cost you any money but taking care of the person you love can cause a dent in your pocket. This case is very common if your partner is with you just by seeing your economic status. Otherwise also taking your partner on dates, movies, presenting them gifts and surprises can be a big expenditure.
5. You may lose your Friends
When you are in love especially the new age teens who just learned how it feels to be in love starts dedicating most of their time to love. In this, they start ignoring their friends and eventually start losing them. Whatever is the kind of relationship maybe its a friendship or love relations it needs time and dedicating your time in one and ignoring the other leads to loss of friends.
6. Usage Of Social Media exceed

This problem has emerged since the last decade. With the growth of social media, love birds have started wasting their time by overusing social media. They don’t care whether it is day or night they just get stuck with their screen on and fingers running to types the massages. This factor has multifaceted effects, firstly students lose their precious time which they might have focussed on a bright future, secondly, it affects the eyes of the users, thirdly it leads to a lack of concentration and so on.
7. Love Is Always Not Everything
Another biggest dark side pf being in love us that many people especially teens and young ones consider love as end in itself. They start considering falling on love like everything. They forget the world, they start losing focus on their other priorities, they start ignoring friends and family, many times their carrier is on stake because of love. People many times forget to keep a balance between different parts of their lives and this imbalance leads to many problems.
Also Read: What Did You Learn From Previous Relationships?
8. You may lose your Lose Freedom
Yes, being in love and getting into a relationship can be a tough task for the ones who love to live free and unquestioned. Being in love you need to be responsible and dedicated to your partner, you can no longer ignore everything as you use to do. Every time you may have to be answerable to your partner and this sometimes leads to misunderstandings and arguments. For people who love to live free many time restrictions that come with love create unnecessary troubles that end up badly.
Love is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful things existing in this universe. But there are many dar faces of falling in love. This special context of the dark side refers to the relationship. Actually its not about the one-sided love. It’s about a relationship between two people. Yet love is beautiful. People long to be in love. This is the charisma of love.