Nothing a man does for a woman is because he loves her
Everything a man does is because that is what he believes in.
If a man stays faithful to you it is because he believes that being faithful is the best thing for him.
If a man buys you gifts its because that is how he likes to express his gratitude and it makes him feel good to do it.
If a man never raises his voice and only discusses disagreements calmly it is because he doesn’t believe in arguing.
If a man prioritizes being honest with you even if it may hurt you it is because he believes its better than lying.
If a man forgives you of being an imperfect being it is because he forgives himself of being an imperfect being.
What a man, or anyone does for that matter, is only a reflection of a belief system they hold.
Yet the common fallacy we tend to believe is that our partners act a certain way because of their love for us.
This is partly true. How a man treats you is how they would treat any person that they love, because that is how they know how to love.
He may feel deep love for you, but what he does, how he treats you, is a reflection of his character.