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What are 20 things absolutely worthwhile in life?


What are 20 things absolutely worthwhile in life?

  1. Marriage — To have or not to have a life partner is a matter of choice. But I’ll tell you why it’s worthwhile. Life is better enjoyed when you’re in pairs.
  2. Sex — This comes at number two on the list for obvious reasons. Unless you’re celibate, you absolutely need this. Besides, without it, marriages are dead. Biology calls. And it perpetuates your genes.
  3. Love — I won’t even begin to explain why you need this. It’s what makes life worthwhile.
  4. Family — Because it provides a support system that no other institution can. And it binds societies together.
  5. Resilience — Life itself is tough and I don’t have to remind you that there are many trials. Developing a thick skin to withstand every storm is a particularly good thing to have.
  6. Risk — Yes, has it ever occurred to you that without risk there can never be any meaningful success? We all learned how to walk by taking risks. Big risks.
  7. Laughter — Have you heard that it takes far fewer facial muscles to smile than to be angry? Well, laughter takes it even further — It pumps that much-needed oxygen into your lungs perpetuating your longevity.
  8. Fitness — Fitness and health go hand in hand. If you’re in the habit of eating well, then go one step further and take some exercises. You’ll keep the doctor away and the bills low.
  9. Happiness — You can do without money but you absolutely need happiness to stay mentally healthy.
  10. Travel — I cannot even begin to explain how the feeling of traveling and experiencing new adventures does to your system. It puts into a state of rest.
  11. Investing — Securing your future is a must if you know that you’ll still be here unless something bad happens. Even if something bad happens to you, it is still worthwhile to invest so that your family may not be left with nothing to eat.
  12. Education — You can't imagine how the ability to read and write is powerful. Obtaining relevant education is not only worthwhile but also an investment.
  13. Friends — Friends do come in handy especially if you’re in tight places.
  14. Goal setting — You can’t just live aimlessly in life.
  15. Discipline — Will keep you out of trouble.
  16. Wisdom — Will help you make good decisions and sound judgments.
  17. Passion — You absolutely need this.
  18. Courage — You will try and fail many times. You must equip yourself with this ability to keep trying even when you know you risk to fail again.
  19. Focus — There are just a bunch of things that will work for you. Setting your focus is absolutely necessary to ensure you don’t miss the target.
  20. Self-belief — If you don’t believe and appreciate yourself, no one else will.

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