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  1. Lacking Agenda: They aren’t fake nice. Guys are nice to girls because they want sex/relationship in return. Employees are nice to bosses because they want a promotion. Truly likable are nice to people without wanting anything in return i.e. being nice only when they feel like it.
  2. Noble Intentions: Even if they lack social charm, they don; ’t have wrong intentions of manipulation. Anyone can practice a few charisma tricks and make themselves likable but without good intentions, it won’t last long.
  3. Having Honor: They take the right action even if it means sacrificing their ego or pleasure. Example: accepting one’s mistake despite a blow on ego.
  4. Showing Humility: Being humble despite their achievements. They are open to learning from others. Mark Zuckerberg, Einstein, despite their talents, had mentors.
  5. Lacking Desperation: They have a life. They know their priorities. Self-improvement and work are more important to them than begging for strangers' times and approval.
  6. Not Judging: They don’t constantly judge what others are doing. Have you met an old person who was rude and bitter? We all have a part of this person in ourselves. They fix that bitterness instead of cultivating.
  7. Facing adversity: They face challenges without getting bitter. — “A gem can’t be polished without friction nor a man without challenges” ~ Seneca. They empathize with people’s struggle more when struggling themselves.

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